一、Product Profile
Due to Gaotafei's special high temperature process, the tower process is not compatible with organic synergistic agents. It is necessary to innovate the coating technology of coated slow release fertilizer, upgrade the tower technology, and use organic membrane to wrap fertilizer. At the same time, it realizes the integration of various biological stimuli(increasing production, sweetening, and resistance) on nitrosulfur fertilizers.
二、Product characteristics
1、Organic Polymeric Membrane -- Multifunctional Integration
Bizun combined polyglutamic acid and potassium yellow humic acid into a membrane material to achieve potassium yellow humic acid to Nitro fertilizer package, through the coating process will be given a variety of functions.
2、Organic Slow Release Technology
The organic sustained release technology adopted by Bizun, the sustained release effect of organic sustained release technology is comparable to that of various sustained release(long-acting) technologies, and it is more environmentally friendly.
3、A slow-release agent